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Artist's rendering of the new library building
Photo shows an illustration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking into microphones with an American flag waving beneath him. Beside him is the quote ""Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."  from Strength to Love, 1963.
Support the library by buying a brick!

Christmas Day - Library Closed

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


All branches of the library will be closed today in observance of the Christmas holiday.

Healthy Foods with Sherry

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Come enjoy a healthy snack with Sherry Williams, OSU Extension, and take home recipes to try on your own!

Apples with Sherry Williams, OSU Extension

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


'Tis the season for apples!  Come have a tasty snack and take home some recipies to try on your own.  Presented by Sherry Williams, OSU Extension.

Fiber Arts Guild Meeting

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 10/08/2015 - 9:00am
  Age Groups


Stop by and find out what the Pike County Fiber Arts Guild is all about!  Quilting, knitting, hooking - this group does it all!

Pumpkins with Sherry Williams

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Join Sherry Williams from OSU Extension in the Community Meeting Room of the Waverly library for a timely nutrition program all about pumpkins. Enjoy a snack and take home recipes to try out on your own!

All libraries open @ 2 p.m.

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Libraries closed until 2 p.m. for staff meeting.

Branch libraries open at 2 p.m.

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Branch libraries (Piketon, Eastern, Western) will open at 2 p.m. - Staff meeting.